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Helping the homeless

Tent City Sheffield help and support the homeless and vulnerable in the Sheffield area.

They help with food, accommodation, and clothes on the front line.

It must be tough and problematic for Sheffield Tent City to organise support but they battle on doing the great work overcoming problems on the way and creating trust and success stories.

The method is through fund raising. Money goes towards food, clothes, supplies and help.

Whether it’s a full English breakfast and a coffee, clean clothes, advice or help with accommodation. All money goes to the front line and there has been some great success stories.

Help tent city with its fight against homelessness by purchasing one of their tent city pin badges at 100% of funding raised goes towards helping someone with food/clothes/supplies/accommodation.

After being involved with the homeless and vulnerable situation for a full year on the ground doing outreach Anthony noticed that there is a huge hole within the safety net of our city to keep people protected from rough sleeping and who generally find themselves homeless without warning. L.I.F.E (a new beginning) was created for the general public to just come together and help others in need with Sheffield Tent City being at the forefront of providing over night accommodation with food/clothes/supplies/outreach services/medical supplies & assistance etc.

What Anthony and volunteers from Sheffield and surrounding areas plan to do next is open a night shelter within Sheffield city centre where not one single person will find themselves in need of help ever again.

You can follow Sheffield Tent City and show your support on social media....

Facebook :

Twitter :

Instagram :

Help tent city with its fight against homelessness by purchasing one of our tent city pin badges @ 100% of funding raised goes towards helping someone with food/clothes/supplies/accommodation

You can double your donation with Drew Decor.

Drew Decor high quality painters and decorators of Sheffield are supporting Sheffield Tent City by purchasing badges which gives them a instant donation then sells the badges for £5.00 each. So if you want to buy one from Drew Decor please contact us here:

and we will happily send you a badge out and send on the donation.

We are trying to sell as many as we can to help and support.


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